Who am I?
I'm a monkey in the jungle.
Watching a vapor trail
Caught up in the conflict
Between his brain and his tail
What I know, is that I don't know
And now I dance and I sing and I live full
I give it all to the call of the unknown
Hou op om fokken rond te kyk
Jy's hier om te dans
(Stop f'n looking around
You're here to dance)
'We hold the light we overcome
We are the power
We are the legends
We are in a beautiful place'
That's the birth of responsibility
Because otherwise
You can always look over your shoulder and say
"Well, I am the way I am because my mother dropped me
And she dropped me because she was neurotic
Because her mother dropped her"
And way back you go to Adam and Eve
Or to a disappearing monkey or something
We never get at it
Confused? Me too.
But I’m learning to live with that.
I’ve put this blog together to capture some thoughts on this rich and sometimes chaotic experience of life.
Historically I was hesitant to share my writing because I was afraid of what people think, but then I realized that I don’t need to care what people think, because most peoples’ opinions don’t matter.
Life is one long lesson, if nothing else.
But I also want to become a better thinker and improve my filters. And one of the best ways to do that is to share my thinking with strangers on the internet. Maybe some of those strangers will become friends, which would be a welcome by-product (as of writing this, the total gain has been +1 🙂).
I hope you find some value here. If you do, drop me a mail—it would be great to hear from you 👋🏽